Macrotec - page 20

Veterinary clinic for small animals
Dr. Johannes Frahm, Germany
In the “Tierärztliche Klinik für Kleintiere”
in Wasbek near Neumünster (Germany)
Dr. Johannes Frahm and his team are
looking after their patients day and
night. The most up-to-date technology
is used in all the different sectors of the
clinic. These include cardiac ultrasound,
monitor surveillance during anaesthesia
and odontology, an acknowledged
additional qualification of veterinarians.
Since summer 2008, X-ray imaging
has been completely direct-digital at the
Wasbek veterinary clinic. OR Technology,
in cooperation with the firm of “Meva
bildgebende Systeme” (Meva imaging
systems) installed this X-ray system which
was also fitted with a Varian flat panel
PaxScan 4030, a 19” touch screen panel
PC and the
acquisition and processing software.
Archiving, diagnostic evaluation and
distribution of images within the clinic is
now done by the
processing system for veterinary
Dr. Johannes Frahm comments on his
reasons for change-over as well as the
installation and practical application of
the new system:
“We were looking for a new system that
would simplify processes in comparison
with the previous system of conventional
X-ray imaging. An imaging plate cassette
system would not have improved the
workflow considerably: The cassette has
to be inserted and read out and careful
handling is very time-consuming. This
brought about the decision to acquire
a built-in detector plate to make the
image available as fast as possible. Now
the image is available within seconds, it
can be evaluated immediately and
viewed in every treatment room. All the
images are automatically archived and
can be called up quickly and directly
from my “Vetera” patient sytem if they
are required again at a later stage. In an
archive system with paper envelopes it is
often the very thing you are looking for
that has gone missing. The more X-ray
images you take the more frequent these
situations are. Now all this won't happen
any more.
The upgrade made it possible to
integrate the existing high-value X-ray
unit of the firm of Sedecal into the new
direct-digital system. Modifications were
not necessary since the raster drawer
was simply replaced by the built-in
“Installation hardly interfered with
the running of the practice. If there
was an emergency case in between,
we could quickly revert to analog X-ray
imaging, the staff of the installing firms
being most cooperative. Minor initial
problems were quickly eliminated by
OR Technology via remote maintenance.”
“Diagnostic evaluation at the monitor
has been solved optimally and archiving
functions very well. In addition, we
integrate photos, ultrasound, endoscopy
and dental X-ray images into the PACS.
All the images of a patient are available
immediately and can be shown to
interested owners. This option is often
used for explaining the treatment
process. C-arm and ultrasound
sequences are also suitable for
demonstration. This allows owners to
understand the nature of the problem
and how it was treated.”
“I am very happy with the workflow
in image generation. A good image is
provided very quickly and transfer to
other monitors is wonderfully easy and
just requires a single click.The consistent
image quality also contributes to making
procedures faster and easier. If difficult
X-ray images have to be taken, for
instance of a bird, the quality of the
image can be improved very quickly
with a few simple adjustments. The
integrated body parts for small animals,
with numerous adjustments are most
helpful - this type of programmable
organ selection leaves nothing to be
desired. Moreover, diagnostic image
evaluation is designed to be very user-
dicom DX-R
dicom vet
dicom vet
dicom DX-R
...Reasons for change-over
...installation and remote
processing system
acquisition software
You can find
images of small animals on our web
server demo:
[Please request the password under
“web server small animals” by mail at
dicom vet
(Oehm und Rehbein GmbH)
18057 Rostock, Germany, Waldemarstr. 20 g/h
Tel. +49 (0)381 - 20 36 126, Fax +49 (0)381 - 20 36 111
OR Technology
[Stamp of distribiution partner]
Info-Hotline: +49 (0)381 - 20 36 126
R Technology
D i g i t a l X - r a y a n d
I m a gin g S olu t i o n s
Version 002_11_2010
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